Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
A shortage of volunteers means that almost 5,000 kids are currently on waiting lists for mentors across Massachusetts.
Now you can step up to the plate and become a mentor through the Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
For the second straight year, the Boston Red Sox have teamed up with the Mass Mentoring Partnership (MMP) to make a difference in lives of children across the state of Massachusetts.
Thanks to this partnership, individuals (or workplaces) that wish to become mentors will automatically be eligible for 2007 Red Sox-related rewards like:
Tickets to Red Sox games
Tours of Fenway Park
A special year-end recognition event at the ballpark
An exclusive Red Sox Mentoring Challenge t-shirt
These rewards are given to mentors at key steps along the way -- such as attending an information session, being matched, and participating in an activity with their mentee (like going to a Red Sox game).
How to get involved
Just visit and fill out the prospective Mentor Form.
Mass Mentoring Partnership will then help connect you with a mentoring program that best meets your interests and geographical location.
With thousands of kids on a waiting list for a mentor across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, finding even one or two new mentors can make a difference!
For more information, visit or contact Ingrid Peters at 617-695-2447 or e-mail her at
About the Mass Mentoring Partnership
Headquartered in Boston, the Mass Mentoring Partnership (MMP) is the only statewide organization dedicated solely to finding mentors for the youth of Massachusetts.
The MMP was established in 1992.
Boston's Pastime is not affiliated with the Boston Red Sox or Major League Baseball.